By Staff Reporter

A well-known woman of God, Pastor Mukhuba, was put on full blast by her daughter Makhadzi earlier last night.

Speaking on a live Facebook feed, Makhadzi ripped into her family, revealing secrets of the pastor’s household and painting a picture of a broken family in the process.

In a brief Facebook live video, she stated that her mother was extremely manipulative and was utilizing church funds to bail out her abusive son.

“He is always in trouble with the law because of GBV. My mother uses the congregation’s money to bail him out and then she will use the bible to manipulate the victims of my brother’s actions,” she said.

She then focused on her mother, revealing that she preaches peaceful marriages in church while her own marriage was far from peaceful.

“My parents fight all the time and exchange unprintable insults in the process. They even throw objects at each other. That house is a warzone. But on Sunday she stands in front of you at church and preaches peaceful marriage when she herself doesn’t have that.”

Makhadzi said she was exposing these family secrets because her mother is sabotaging her marriage. She said she was depressed because of her mother’s actions, alleging that she also attacked her.

Makhadzi says she will continue exposing family secrets until her parents leave her alone.

Her Facebook live attracted a big viewership, reaching almost 10k audience by the end of the live feed.

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