Sivuyile, father of 4 kids was mistaken for School Bag and set alight in Setjwetla . His wife speaks out

Sivuyile, father of 4 kids was mistaken for School Bag and set alight in Setjwetla . His wife speaks out

By Jonk wa Mashamba

While South Africans were celebrating Human Rights Day, Sivuyile Mbangata’s wife had nothing to celebrate.

The father of four children was violently set on fire in Setjwetla, Alexandea, Johannesburg, recently.

He was killed by Alexandra patrollers who mistook him for the serial rapist and murderer School Bag.

It was later established that they killed a wrong man.

His horrible pictures were shared on all social media, making him another victim who was charged with a crime he did not commit.

His children called him Tata. “I called him pumpkin,” said Dorris*, adding that his nicknames were Sivu, SJV and Vuyo.

” Who is going to help take care of my children?”

She said he used to take his son for check ups at Hospitals because he is autistic (Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain.)

Doris says she has three girls and a boy with the deceased .

Sivuyile was a GBV activist. He was employed full-time at Merchants as part of the technical support team.

Unlike the rest of the accused arrested by the patrollers , his was different. Not a single photo of him was shared until he was burned to the ground and no photos of him with stolen goods were shared. The reasons for his death remain a mystery.

“They held him at 3 PM and I don’t know where, because no one wants to talk. I have 5 different stories.

“He was taken by the patrollers from Tsutsumani, he was taken by the patrollers from ext 7, he was taken by the patrollers from 18/17 and gave him to Setjwetla patrollers and CPF; and he was held by  patrollers from 11 John Brant or Vasco and the patrollers from Setjwetla. Then the patrollers from Boulevard, 8th also came to Setjwetla.

“The stories are complicated…I am not coping at all. No one deserves to die like that.

“No evidence of stolen goods and no pictures of him with the stolen goods or raped families. No pictures of him before the beating and the fire. And why was he burned where no one could see…why was he hidden?

“No one wants to talk, everybody is scared of their lives. He was brutally murdered because of their own agenda,” sobbed the woman.

The man, originally from Eastern Cape, is not yet buried because his family is searching for his wallet and ID.

Doris still has fresh memories about his character. “He loved his children. His children enjoyed his cooking and played with him. He was very supportive and motivational and was very good at advising people.

“He loved sports and was a Kaizer Chiefs fan. He loved friends and people around him. He would sacrifice his last money for a hungry person.”

Sivuyile’s death profoundly affected Werner Smit, former Ward 109 Councilor who knew him fondly..

“Sivuyile was kind, soft spoken but quick-witted and an endearing man. I got to know him while I was the ward councillor for ward 109.

“He had a positive outlook on life, and his sense of humor stood out. My heart is very heavy with the bitter news of his murder. No human should be treated the way he was in the final hours of his life.

“This tragic event also illustrates the fine line between community safety groups and vigilante groups terrorising, torturing, and killing innocent people. They are not the same thing.

“My condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues,” Smit said.

NB: The real name of the woman is concealed as she fears for her life and that of her kids.

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