Msholozi, the father of seven, was one of the committed residents who initiated Alex Total Shutdown

Msholozi, the father of seven, was one of the committed residents who initiated Alex Total Shutdown

By Jonk wa Mashamba

Thulane Donald Zumma also known as Msholozi or Ta Shozi was born at Alexandra Clinic on the 27th of Novembers 1971.

He is the 3rd child of the late Peggy Zuma Lekalakala. He started school at MC Weller, then Carter primary school. He then proceeded to Realogile secondary school. During the unrests in the township, he had to take refuge at KZN, Dan Huser, Newcastle where he matriculated.

He started his career at Grindrod as a data capturer. latter, he worked as a logistics coordinator at other companies. He also worked for Setati KLM Food Services.

latter in his life, he met and married Patricia Ngwane Zuma also known as Lizzy. Together, they were blessed with seven children. He served and supported his family with love and warmth while juggling his time, energy and love with various community-based programs.

He served the community as a street community leader. He was one of the residents who initiated Alex Total Shutdown to fight for service delivery.

He joined CPF to fight crime. He was selected to represent his region as a security marshal. He took part in forming the community patrol of extension 8, an activity which led to his untimely death.

So far, more than ten patrollers have been killed in Alexandra township this year alone, as well as other civilians murdered by criminals who terrorise the streets of Alex.

Bongani Nhlapo, Dingane Ncala, Doctor Nkuna, Elias Thema, Eric Siweya, Mapula Machethe, Mbhekiseni Kubheka, Rodney Mathonsi and Thulani “Msholozi” Zuma are some of those who have died in the line of duty at the hands of gun-wielding criminals.

The deaths of patrollers who sacrificed and dedicated their lives to keeping the notorious and violent Johannesburg township safe, have left many residents angrier on thugs.

Affectionately known as Gomora, Alexandra is one of the oldest and poorest townships in the country. It is notoriously crime-ridden, known for car hijackings, murders and domestic violence.
The patrollers, with no formal training, decided to lessen the burden of crime by helping the police who have been battling rising crime.

In July 2022, the overpopulated township experienced the senseless killing of about six people in one night.

People were killed for belongings ranging from cell phones to shoes and money. One of the slain victims was Joshua Mbatha, who was a music DJ on Alex FM.

The chaos in the township brought Minister of Police Bheki Cele, then Gauteng Premier David Makhura, MEC for Community Safety Faith Mazibuko, and many other Gauteng high-profile government officials together.

A crime imbizo was held at Alexandra Stadium to address plans for tackling the rising crime.
But the crime didn’t stop so residents gathered and volunteered to help the police fight crime.

The July 2022 mass killings gave birth to the Street Patrollers, unemployed men and women who decided to face the criminals and fight criminality day and night.

The patrollers made the township safer. There were fewer reports of crime. Even residents were reporting crimes like gender-based violence to the patrollers instead of the police.

They immediately became a thorn in the criminals’ side and were targeted by the criminals who were terrorising the community.

The killing of men who were cleaning the streets started.
In March, the first killing of two patrollers took place and five more were taken to hospital.

It didn’t end there. More deaths of patrollers followed and this past weekend saw yet another patroller being killed at the hands of criminals.

In retaliation for these senseless killings, residents joined the patrollers by hunting down the suspected criminals. On 21 July this year, five men suspected of being criminals were burnt alive. They all died.

On Monday last week, another suspected criminal was captured, shot in the back, necklaced, doused with petrol and set alight.

A resident told the Scrolla.Africa team that the hunt for the remaining criminals who have been killing patrollers rages on.

“We will find them all and we’ll deal with them our way,” said a patroller who didn’t want to be named.

Vincent Ndima from the Alexandra Parliament said that since the police minister’s visit last year in June, nothing has changed.

“We see more crime being committed this year than ever before,” he said.

Pics by Mashamba Media


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