“This is the guy who mugged us”

“This is the guy who mugged us”

By Jonk wa Mashamba


A 42-year-old woman described how the thugs stormed the room, shot into the room’s wall and then stole her and her cousins’ valuables.


Nombulelo Zolani of Setswetla informal settlement said two thugs, one masked, another one with his face revealed, stormed the area around 11 pm.

Zolani says the criminals stole two phones, laptops, but failed to unplug a plasma television. She and her seven cousins were together at the time of the incident.

She said the thug who was wearing a mask had a Zimbabwean accent.


Zolani sent us a photo of one of the alleged criminals, saying it was him who wasn’t wearing a mask.


She said that when they were in the room, they fired a shot.

“I think they wanted to show us it was original gun. This was the first time something like this had happened to me,” said Zolani, who has lived in Setjwetla for 21 years.

The identified thug allegedly escaped Oliven when the community wanted to send him to his ancestors. He is believed to have terrorized the area.


The case was reported to Bramely Police station.

Sector one officer, Moila said: “She (Zolani) sent me the photo of a cartridge of the bullet. I advised her to inform the police through 10111 so that they could go to the scene.


“As a sector manager of Setswetla area, I’m going to visit the scene and the area must be patrolled to get these culprits.”

Four weeks ago, two hooligans who robbed residents of Setswetla were caught and beaten horribly.

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