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Apostle Shilowa advises his congregation to keep only the Word of God in their hearts in order to receive miracles 

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By Mr Lee Tonic

Alex Reporter has published horror stories in recent weeks that left communities and families shattered.

We wrote about Alexandra Sangoma who raped two minor initiates. He has been sentenced to life imprisonment after infecting them with HIV.

We published a story about an Alex woman who is deeply saddened by the loss of her two children who were poisoned by their father with rat poison. He committed suicide later.

We also wrote about a man who shot his wife three times in front of their kids, and the woman died on the scene. After his bail was forfeited, he was remanded in custody.

Another story involved a woman who died after her live-in-lover boyfriend allegedly stabbed her three times. He is alleged to have informed others that she had stabbed herself.

Those horror stories, we think, have created anger, frustration, pain, and grudge. They left someone’s heart heavy.

Bad messages can always leave a heavy burden on someone’s heart. In order to start the week afresh, we believe that positive messages, especially from a man of God, are needed. This is the reason why we focused on a church .

Our news editor, Mr. Lee Tonic, went to the House of Miracle Ministry under Apostle Dunny Shilowa. The church, located on 17th avenue in Alexandra, was established a few years ago.

Under a title ‘Rainfall Sunday’, Shilowa spoke about something that prevents a person from receiving miracles.

When he quoted verses from Proveb 4:23, Matthew 5:8, John 7:37, Matthew 12.34, Matthew 15:8, Ezekiel 36:26/7, amongst others, Shilowa taught the congregation on the importance of nourishing their hearts with positive messages.

According to him, people were holding back their answers and miracles because their hearts are bitter and filled with grudges.

He said God does not respond to prayers based on the number of hours prayed, but rather on a person’s heart. According to him, a heart filled with bitterness could hinder Christians from being prosperous.

“Your heart can lead you to heaven or hell,” he warned, adding that many people were honoring God with their lips but their hearts were far away.

He stated that believers can easily be oppressed by the devil when they were bitter. “The way you hold grudges on people, you can’t see witches because your heart is heavy.

“You are full if gossip because there’s no word of God in you. Miracles cannot happen where there’s grudge,” he said.

He called two brothers and an example was given through them. He instructed the other brother to jump while he carried the other on his back. “You can’t jump because of heaviness,” he said.

He stated that the brother couldn’t jump or go higher because of the weight he was carrying.

He asserted that it was crucial for people to forgive each other and feed themselves with the Word of God!

Do you want a real church of God, this one is waiting for you.

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