After he shot his son, he apologized to him before turning the gun on himself

After he shot his son, he apologized to him before turning the gun on himself

By Staff Reporter

Man shot his son while his other two children locked themselves in one of the bedrooms.

And after that, the man, who had a long history of abuse, then turned the gun on himself,

While they heard the gunshots ringing through the house the third child was hiding under the bed from where he saw his dad shooting at his brother and turning the gun on himself.

The 10-year-old son, who was shot in the head, survived with a visible scar on the left side of the forehead.

“After shooting me, he apologised. He then shot himself in the head and died in the house,” said the boy.

Scrolla. Africa spoke to the wife of the deceased.

The woman from Braamfischerville in Soweto said her husband abused her from the time they got married.

“I had him arrested more than 10 times,” she said.

“I cancelled most of the cases thinking that he would change and take care of his family but that never happened.”

She said even when she didn’t cancel the cases he would still be out of police custody.

She said protection orders have not worked as he kept abusing her.

“In 2004 I was forced to run naked in the street as he chased me with a hammer and a knife. I was so embarrassed I couldn’t face people in my neighbourhood,” she said.

“In May this year, he brought one of his many girlfriends and he wanted to have sex with both of us in my house. I refused. His girlfriend and I slept in the lounge and he slept alone in our bedroom.”

The wife said on Tuesday last week when he killed himself, she had gone to Roodepoort to acquire yet another protection order.

“I had already moved out of the house and went to stay with my parents in Meadowlands, but he was still abusing me, so I had to get another protection order against him,” she said.

She said before she got home, the police called her to inform her that her husband had shot himself and died inside his bedroom.

She said many women had been abused and killed thinking that protection orders would protect them from their abusive partners.

“A paper doesn’t protect you from someone who is armed,” she said.

This article was first published by Scrolla.Africa

Man who shot his son, then turned the gun on himself, had a long history of abuse

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