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This is an ugly letter to  councillor Deborah Francisco who allegedly sold the Baloyi house to her friend

Written by Lyphat Baloyi (74)

This councillor controls 98% of 8- 7th Avenue. But she is not familiar with the definition of “councillor”.

A ward Councillor is the Council member and is responsible for advising the community individually, speaking to and advising the community in general.

But Councilwoman Deborah Francisco always harasses the community.

To issue or allocate houses to the community is not her job at all. She does the housing department’s job, because she likes to control everything on this earth, even people’s lives.

She forgets that being a Councillor doesn’t make her worth selling people’s homes. Being a Councillor is not a permit for selling homes.
It doesn’t qualify her to sell people’s houses, like she sold my son’s house to her friend Lebo Macheckers Moshabi.


Fransisco is no effective, efficient, reliable and honest!

Councillors are responsible for serving the community with love and respect.

These are the ex-councillor who have shown love and respect for the community:

1.Victor Kgole.
2.Mrs Connie Bapela.
3.Mrs. Lucy Machaba

These councillors did not issue or allocate houses to the yard of Ward 108, and even in their yards.

They did not appoint yard reps in Ward 108 or in the yards where they stay.

They do not have a history of selling houses like you Deborah Francisco.

They were not in the habit of swearing at community members or disrespecting them like you Deborah Francisco.

They never fought with the community as you did. They never had any uninvited guests, to fight in their homes like you.

This Councillor is even corrupt in distributing food parcels. She does not give food packages to those in need, but to her friends, parents and those who dance to her tune.

She promises some of them to let their children continue their education in China and to award them tenders and that sort of thing.

Stop behaving so aggressively! Because people who have that behavior end up in the hospital with all the heart attacks, stress, diabetes, stroke, and so on.

Edited by Jonk wa Mashamba

This link has the full story behind the letter:

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